Former South Perth Police Station
With its stucco bands, façade lettering and the informal use of windows of different shapes and sizes within an elevation, the former South Perth Police Station at 1 Mends Street South Perth is a fine example of the Federation Free Style, and makes a formal presentation on three elevations. The building was added to the Sate Register of Heritage Places in November 2003.
Details contained in the State's Register of Heritage Places (Heritage Council inHerit site) can be viewed by clicking the button below:
State Heritage Register Document
South Perth's Heritage Precinct
The former South Perth Police Station forms part of a precinct of late nineteenth and early twentieth century public buildings surrounding the junction of Mends Street, Mill Point Road and Labouchere Road. These buildings include the Windsor Hotel (1898), the Old Mill Theatre that was formerly the Mechanics Institute (1899), the former South Perth Post Office (1900), the 'Old Council Offices' now known as Heritage House (1904) and the former South Perth Police Station (1908). Red brick with contrasting cement relief work is a common feature.
The Building's Background
The first policemen that were appointed to South Perth in 1898 began patrolling on foot, horse, or bicycle. In 1908 the Police Station, including quarters, was built under the direction of State Government Architect Hillson Beasley.
The Police vacated the station in 2002 and relocated to a newly constructed Police Station in nearby Kensington that is also within the City of South Perth.
Now owned by the Finbar Group and forming part of the redevelopment of the 'Civic Heart' triangle, it was announced late 2022 that the former South Perth Police Station will become a bar within the complex. Consequently, the building will be renovated in line with State Heritage requirements.

Police Sergeant Alexander Duperouzel South Perth Police Station 1948-1952
William Duperouzel has written a book about the period his family resided in the living quarters of the former South Perth Police Station, while his father was stationed there as Seargeant.
Available on his website in PDF format, William's book is a must read.